"walked a mile towards my future..........2999 miles to go. time to make a grand exit....again! lol. coming home soon baby." Facebook/twitter Status, Eugene woody.
I'm going to be where she is. We are where SHE is, so I've got to pack up and relocate to relive. mentally I've checked out, physically i'm still here. No way in hell i'm stuck here. Not here, not anywhere. I'm built to travel the world, with my girl, so muthafu*k here. I've seen it here. I'm not impressed, I think I've really seen it all. I've been to all these places and i've seen some of these faces before. I know this and I know you, I know her and him to. Ya'll still doing the same things. Same people, same life, same place, nothing has changed. I'm almost never the same. I switch it up when need be. I need to be where she is, My Baby! I'm outta here, In the wind. A distant memory. You can alway check for me if need be. My phone number wont change, just the address of where I call home. Look into my eye's and tell me i'm not gone.....
Fu*k my reality. I've been living in my dreams. So it seens I should make my dreams my reality. The validity of this city has escaped me, So I'm gone. I know everybody here, but this no longer feels like my home. I push my grind to the max, and the past to my back. By the time they realize, It will be to late to miss me...NYC=HISTORY......but in my head i'm already gone.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
miss her
"Damn I miss her. Like bad, real bad, super o d extra miss her.......smh." Facebook staus, Eugene Woody.
I miss her! those words are an understatement. I need her, seems to fit better. I can't stand the distance between us. God help me, Shes 3000 miles away. Now I miss, everything about you. God help me, I just want be be where she is. She is a reason to live. The reason I would sacrifice everything I will ever have, everything there is. This is more then miss. This feeling i've been given is more then lustful bliss. I sit and reminice about the supple, sweet taste of your lips. I miss tracing the outline of your body with my finger tips.Our time together was a gift, so rather then sit and reminice, I work on bridging the gap in distance and make "i miss her" past tence.
I miss her. Those words are an understatement. I need her, seems to fit better. I can't stand the distance between us. God help me, Shes 3000 miles away. Away, from everything that i could ever give. She's everything I could want. This is everything that there is. I've been having visions of married life, white fences and kids. But I must first change the area code of where i live.
I miss her. Those words are an understatement. I NEED HER, seems to fit better. I can't stand, the distance between us, So I will bridge that gap so I don't miss you any more.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
In anticipation of you
"I write this in anticipation of you. I write this in anticipation of a beauty that has no rival. I have been waiting for your arrival for what feels like a lifetime. Finally you will be here, here with me. But until your plain lands, I sit, mind racing, body idol. I write this in anticipation of you. 1 more week♥" Facebook status, Eugene Woody.
I write this in anticipation of you. I sit, Idol. Dreaming of endless possibilities. Awaiting the arrival of a beauty that has no rival. Mind racing, She evokes thoughts of we. Thoughts of us. I think of us. Together, What would we be? I write this in anticipation of you. The moment we will meet. The words we will first speak. I will say hello, and you will say the same. Such an innocent exchange of words. Our eye's will say what our lips dare not. I anticipate this moment, I anticipate you. For now I wait. Idol, Dreaming of endless possibilities.
I write this in anticipation of you. I will be at your beck and call, In service to my goddess of the word. Whatever you desire you will have. Pick a star in the sky, I will make sure that star you have. I just want to see the city lights dance in your eyes. I will be your guide. This city we will travel, Put your hand in my hand and I will show you the way.
I anticipate forbidden conversations. So full of lust from afar. Our words pull us closer in the night. Face to face, we say what we feel. I feel your heart racing, As you do mine. Let them race. We have talked of this moment from afar. We are here now. Talk to me until we run out of words. I anticipate us exhausting our verbal possibilities. The sophistication of our dialog reduced to moans.
I have done so much in anticipation of you. Overwhelmed by the endless possibilities. I write this patiently awaiting the arrival of a beauty that has no rival. I write this in anticipation of you.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
the purple effect
"Purple is the hue in which he would view the world. impaired was his vision, He set the world ablaze in his own purple haze. With a sober eye he couldn't see. The Hue of purple impaired his vision, He could finally see what he was missing. I SEE CLEARLY!!!" Facebook status, Eugene Woody
Purple was the haze. A different hue His eyes would gather. Such a Vision. A Visual feast his eyes would devour. He envisioned the world set ablaze. Purple ash rain from sky's, as the city he did travel danced in the purple waves. Shades he did wear to impair his purple vision. The vision he was given was a main stay. The night sky seemed like day. The color spectrum had become vast, Such an amazing forray. A smorgishboard of purple hues left his pupils stimulated. Boots of black leather, Taylor made to fit His feet, Crushed the concrete. His steps Slow, Calculating. From his footsteps Purple Roses Grew, From broken ground his steps had loosened. The heel from his black leather boots, injected translucent Buds thats would germinate from potent purple soil. Plants animated, Such life they did display, As they swayed From the breeze from his purple haze. He would contribute to the sky's when he inhaled life, so raw and translusent, Trapped inside chest. He exhaled Clouds that took their rightful place atop the sky. If you look close you can see millions in a tranqual state, Holding on as the cloud elevates. Some close their eye's and glide from the cloud in the purple skys. With grace they fall from such a high.
Purple was the haze. His eyes still impaired by such a hue. He could see things missed by the sober eyes view. He saw things he'd over looked, He analyzed the world in this hazy view. He saw what he'd been missing, The Beautiful hue of YOU!!!
The purple effect......to be continued. ~in anticipation of you~
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 11:54 AM 0 comments