Monday, September 21, 2009

the red dot saga, part one

I lay motionless in a room with no light. I lay motionless but my mind is racing. I lay motionless in a room with no light. I lay motionless but my eye's are serching. in this room the dark rules and swallows the light whole, and its too dark to know if my eye's are moving. I can feel myself blinking, but there is no difference between eye's open or shut. my eye's continue to serch the dark, they have begun to ajust to the black void. deprived of any kind of light or color, my eye's happily consume the black nothingness of the room. the red dot suddenly appeared, it sent my eye's into a bit of confusion. I noticed the red dot instanly because there was nothing else to compare it to. the red dot ley dead center in a room of full of black, boldly standing out, proud to be different. I kept my eye's fixed on this red dot, as I did not know its origin. I focused on this red dot so intensely that I never thought to question if it even existed. I would later find that it did. the red dot began to move. slow and deliberate, like it had a purpose. it did not move around the room, but rather in a select spot. it moved in a pattern. over and over it traced it's own foot prints. I followed as best I could. I realized the red dot was trying to spell something, but what? I focused even more on the pattern the red dot was making. I struggled but I was able to make out the letters. as the red dot started it's pattern from the beginning, I sounded the letters out. G,O,T,T,C,H,A. huh? what was this red dot trying to tell me? My over analytical nature took hold. I had nothing but questions, but no one to ask. Stuck in my own mind I didn't realize the red dot disappeared. As baffling as it's appearance was, It's dissapearance left me perplexed. I sat up in my bed wondering if my head was screwed on properly.  I searched for my glasses in this dark room. I stumbled upon them on my window seal. I rose to my feet and opened my window curtains, exposing the window shade. I opened the shade and exposed the window I would open. the cold, dry night air alerted me from the sleepy stupor  I was in. I sat on the edge of my bed, overlooking the streets and actions of the creatures of the night. Lost in my own mind again. recapping the prior event. I was startled by the ring of my cell phone. My clumsy fumbling made me drop the phone to the floor below. Luckily the cell phone light was still on which made it's retrieval simple. I searched my phone for the missed call I received. A number that I did not know inhabited my phone. at first I was reluctant to call it back, But my curiosity overruled my previous feeling. As I pressed the call button I kept wondering who this could be. The phone began to ring. the unknown made me nervous. Hello! I struck quickly. I received no answer. But I could tell someone was on the other line. Hello! I repeated, still nothing. My frustration was growing and as I readied myself to hang up, the red dot appeared again. It took it's post on my chest. I frantically searched the area out my window to find where this red dot came from. I found nothing. I could hear laughing coming from my phone. I placed it back to my face and forcefully asked "who is this". "hello woody!" is what I was met with. the voice was so familiar, But I couldn't place it. "why don't you love me?" she said. "dahlia?" I replied. "gotcha" was the last thing I ever heard. That red dot was the last thing I ever saw. damn, GOTCHA.      to be continued