"walked a mile towards my future..........2999 miles to go. time to make a grand exit....again! lol. coming home soon baby." Facebook/twitter Status, Eugene woody.
I'm going to be where she is. We are where SHE is, so I've got to pack up and relocate to relive. mentally I've checked out, physically i'm still here. No way in hell i'm stuck here. Not here, not anywhere. I'm built to travel the world, with my girl, so muthafu*k here. I've seen it here. I'm not impressed, I think I've really seen it all. I've been to all these places and i've seen some of these faces before. I know this and I know you, I know her and him to. Ya'll still doing the same things. Same people, same life, same place, nothing has changed. I'm almost never the same. I switch it up when need be. I need to be where she is, My Baby! I'm outta here, In the wind. A distant memory. You can alway check for me if need be. My phone number wont change, just the address of where I call home. Look into my eye's and tell me i'm not gone.....
Fu*k my reality. I've been living in my dreams. So it seens I should make my dreams my reality. The validity of this city has escaped me, So I'm gone. I know everybody here, but this no longer feels like my home. I push my grind to the max, and the past to my back. By the time they realize, It will be to late to miss me...NYC=HISTORY......but in my head i'm already gone.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
miss her
"Damn I miss her. Like bad, real bad, super o d extra miss her.......smh." Facebook staus, Eugene Woody.
I miss her! those words are an understatement. I need her, seems to fit better. I can't stand the distance between us. God help me, Shes 3000 miles away. Now I miss, everything about you. God help me, I just want be be where she is. She is a reason to live. The reason I would sacrifice everything I will ever have, everything there is. This is more then miss. This feeling i've been given is more then lustful bliss. I sit and reminice about the supple, sweet taste of your lips. I miss tracing the outline of your body with my finger tips.Our time together was a gift, so rather then sit and reminice, I work on bridging the gap in distance and make "i miss her" past tence.
I miss her. Those words are an understatement. I need her, seems to fit better. I can't stand the distance between us. God help me, Shes 3000 miles away. Away, from everything that i could ever give. She's everything I could want. This is everything that there is. I've been having visions of married life, white fences and kids. But I must first change the area code of where i live.
I miss her. Those words are an understatement. I NEED HER, seems to fit better. I can't stand, the distance between us, So I will bridge that gap so I don't miss you any more.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
In anticipation of you
"I write this in anticipation of you. I write this in anticipation of a beauty that has no rival. I have been waiting for your arrival for what feels like a lifetime. Finally you will be here, here with me. But until your plain lands, I sit, mind racing, body idol. I write this in anticipation of you. 1 more week♥" Facebook status, Eugene Woody.
I write this in anticipation of you. I sit, Idol. Dreaming of endless possibilities. Awaiting the arrival of a beauty that has no rival. Mind racing, She evokes thoughts of we. Thoughts of us. I think of us. Together, What would we be? I write this in anticipation of you. The moment we will meet. The words we will first speak. I will say hello, and you will say the same. Such an innocent exchange of words. Our eye's will say what our lips dare not. I anticipate this moment, I anticipate you. For now I wait. Idol, Dreaming of endless possibilities.
I write this in anticipation of you. I will be at your beck and call, In service to my goddess of the word. Whatever you desire you will have. Pick a star in the sky, I will make sure that star you have. I just want to see the city lights dance in your eyes. I will be your guide. This city we will travel, Put your hand in my hand and I will show you the way.
I anticipate forbidden conversations. So full of lust from afar. Our words pull us closer in the night. Face to face, we say what we feel. I feel your heart racing, As you do mine. Let them race. We have talked of this moment from afar. We are here now. Talk to me until we run out of words. I anticipate us exhausting our verbal possibilities. The sophistication of our dialog reduced to moans.
I have done so much in anticipation of you. Overwhelmed by the endless possibilities. I write this patiently awaiting the arrival of a beauty that has no rival. I write this in anticipation of you.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
the purple effect
"Purple is the hue in which he would view the world. impaired was his vision, He set the world ablaze in his own purple haze. With a sober eye he couldn't see. The Hue of purple impaired his vision, He could finally see what he was missing. I SEE CLEARLY!!!" Facebook status, Eugene Woody
Purple was the haze. A different hue His eyes would gather. Such a Vision. A Visual feast his eyes would devour. He envisioned the world set ablaze. Purple ash rain from sky's, as the city he did travel danced in the purple waves. Shades he did wear to impair his purple vision. The vision he was given was a main stay. The night sky seemed like day. The color spectrum had become vast, Such an amazing forray. A smorgishboard of purple hues left his pupils stimulated. Boots of black leather, Taylor made to fit His feet, Crushed the concrete. His steps Slow, Calculating. From his footsteps Purple Roses Grew, From broken ground his steps had loosened. The heel from his black leather boots, injected translucent Buds thats would germinate from potent purple soil. Plants animated, Such life they did display, As they swayed From the breeze from his purple haze. He would contribute to the sky's when he inhaled life, so raw and translusent, Trapped inside chest. He exhaled Clouds that took their rightful place atop the sky. If you look close you can see millions in a tranqual state, Holding on as the cloud elevates. Some close their eye's and glide from the cloud in the purple skys. With grace they fall from such a high.
Purple was the haze. His eyes still impaired by such a hue. He could see things missed by the sober eyes view. He saw things he'd over looked, He analyzed the world in this hazy view. He saw what he'd been missing, The Beautiful hue of YOU!!!
The purple effect......to be continued. ~in anticipation of you~
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Let me pull your hair
"Baby I just feel like if your hair was real it would make for better love making. I'm tired of sex with restrictions, DAMN IT, I WANNA PULL HAIR!!!" Facebook status, Eugene Woody
I've Got a vision that I want you to see. A vision of we. In this vision, I'm in back of you, your in front of me. I'm directing this show, While you look back at me. Baby girl I wish you could see the things that I can see. But I can't enjoy this vision whole heartedly. I can't enjoy it for one reason, YOUR GOTDAMN WEAVE!!! Baby girl it's restricting me. It's restricting we, Our love making is not the same to me. I want to make love to you passionately. But if I even think of pulling on your weave, You are going to stab me. Why are you restricting me? Baby i'm a beast untamed, The Congo jungle pumps right through these vain's. Don't blame me, It's your fault, You drive me insane. REAL TALK, sometimes I even want to scream your name. But look, it's a got damn shame that you have that mane, And you won't allow my hands to touch it. Look if I pull out a track, I will glue it right back. Let me tug on those micro braids. I don't complain when you mess up my waves. i just want to grab you by your hips and bring you closer to me. I'll let my hand travel up your back to where your hair would be. Let my fingers dance in your silk ever so softly. Then press you up against the wall, Pull your hair, look you in the eyes and whisper on your lips "Do you love me?" Please don't restrict this passion, It just isn't fair. I don't care if it's a weave, LET ME PULL YOUR HAIR.
Don' t judge me......lol
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 2:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
pretty face'ed girl.
"GOD. its me woody. you remember the girl from the sean john store? yeah! please keep her pretty ass far away from me. god please help me lose her number with the smiley face by her name. If you have to hit her with a bus then do what you must. she looks like a BIG problem. DAMN! (sorry god) now i gotta find some place else to shop." Facebook status, Eugene woody.
Dear god. its me again/eugene woody, i'm your boy!Thank you for my job and keeping me gainfully employed. Thank you for my family, we were at our darkest base. But now we're pulling together, we are how we survive this place.Thank you for the money, you provide for my hustle.your my reason for being, your my soul, my muscle. God, you are my world, But i'm asking you nicely. keep me away from that pretty face'ed girl.
Look I thanked you on the upper part, now lets get to the under. your Killing me with all these girls. God are you trying to pull me under? When I wanted one, there where some. But none of them fit the bill. Now I don't want um, And they are everywhere, And a lot of their hair is real. I have prayed to you once before. On one knee. I was humbled. When I said it, I Said it like a MAN. I didn't Stutter, I didn't mumble. I asked you to keep me away from women for a while. A lot of bad situations, I wasn't getting very far. Then I was wild and out of space, But you put me in my place. So now i'm cool. I'm not hurt no more. I've cleansed the dirt from my face. I am really on my grind, What i want WILL be mine. And now you want to get out of line?
God please don't be rude. Because you know I don't move like an ordinary dude. The fact I want her is crazy. I'm looking at her like cooked food. She makes me want her, And that doesn't happen to me. Because i've mastered the art of making women come to me. I'm rather shy, so I don't talk to girls. I fear this won't change in me. So I learned the sinister skill of making them come to me. If you can turn my head, Then theirs something my soul spotted. I don't just talk to anything, something about you had me bothered. So to make you come to me, baby girl I have to kind of stalk you. But not in a creepy way. It's just that you have my curiosity. So now I want to know what it is I want so bad. When we first meet and I like you, I won't say anything to you. I'll even flirt with your friend, and look right through you. Thats how I got your attention, Now your already mine. Now I live in your dreams And will your heart to mine. Women love to be seduced, and I love seducing women. I can't help it, It's so fun!
But god you have gone to far. You place in front of me a woman That could detour me from the Sun, moon, and stars. I mean you created her, so you know how bad she is. And you know how bad I am. Now she's my obsession. My reason for living. The reason, everything I am neglecting. I'd spend Lifetimes pleasing her, because......Thats just how I am. I would get lost in her world. Then I would lose me. So please keep this pretty face'ed girl away from me.
This is kinda extreme, lmao!
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 4:45 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Eugene Woody on his grind.
Eugene woody on his grind. Working out the bugs. late night@the nuyorican poets cafe, nyc.
we all tend to live in our heads from time to time. Just in our own little universe where everything is perfect. here is an example of me living in my head during a relationship. believing things that are not true. Believing because i'm selfish. I want it so bad that i'm willing to believe a lie in order to keep it. Living in your head keeps you from living! "you decisively decide with action that your gonna strike." You can either except it, Or move on. So don't live in your head again, you'll lose touch with reality.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
wave goodbye/say hello
"In life there are no revisions. Once it is done, then thats what it is. The past, Memories that are set in stone. You can long for what was but it will never be. you cry out for what was. you wonder what will be. I wonder what will be. I miss my past but I want to meet my future.....wave goodbye, say hello!" Facebook status, Eugene woody
A acoustic guitar accompanies a voice filled with sorrow. I can never go back. the melody played sets a mood, A somber saxophone joins the reminiscent melody. I wish I could go back. This melody resurrects the emotions he once knew. He was in love. This is the melody played when love is to be remembered and not lived. "Come back to me" he whispers softly. The soft whisper disturbs the soiled smoke from his cigar. As the saxophone begins its solo in this melody, He can see her face in the smoke as it is blown in the air. She dances in away as the smoke clears. She leaves me again. Her memory remains. the aged brandy he holds in his right hand, keeps her memory from fading into the night. He swirls the contains in the glass before he is to received it's aged nectar. He licks his lip with such satisfaction. Not because of the brandy. Because of her. I can still taste her. I can still......This is the moment a single tear begins to fall from is eye. This is the moment the past hurts the most. The melody that plays prominently displays his broken heart. He is still. weeping for what was. Whispering softly "come back to me". Still. Disturbing the smoke blown into the air. The Guitar has strummed it's last note. Sorrows melody has come to an end.
He has survived the night. He has relived the past for one more night. Held on to one last memory. standing in his mirror he sought a different out come then the constant resurrection of the past. He sought closure. He sought an end. He sought his goodbye. He smiled at his refection and said "HELLO"
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
show me where to start.
Every story has a beginning. Tonight Begins the story of us. Show me where to start. Tonight, show me where to start. Where should I begin this journey? Where should I begin this love expedition? I want to start with your heart. Tonight I want to begin with your love. Let me begin where the is no end. Let me begin with A place that is infinite, Your love. Tonight show me the way to infinity. Just show me where to start. I want to go. Tonight begins the journey of us. Show me where to start, I'm ready to travel. I'm ready to go. I will explore every inch of your body, Just show me where to start. I'm climbing every mountain, excavating every cavern, Just show me were. Right there? just tell me and I will begin. There will be no end because Tonight We travel to infinity. I will walk. I will run. I will do whatever it takes to journey to your heart. Tonight, Just show me where to start. I'll travel your body for the rest of my life. I'll journey your mind the rest of my lifetime. Such a endless expedition, and I will not stop. Tonight begins the story of us. Just show me where to start. Right here? I just have to know. I will never tire. I will never detour. I know My destination. I do not need a map. A GPS is useless. I know this land. I've studied your terrain. I know where I'm going. I know where I'm Taking you. Follow me. Tonight, Follow me. Now show me where to start. I'm ready to go.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
lovers of stationary will be found
I wrote this after a facebook statues that caught my eye. I felt like it should be expanded on.
My love shall not travel because love itself travels. So I will be just what I am, Stationary. My love shall not travel, Because love itself travels. I will be just what I am, A beacon of love. Shining my light so that love can find me. I will be stationary Love will find me. I am a possibility of love even if I am stationary. Shining my light, Guiding love to come and find me. I shall not look for love because I already found it. I embody what love is. Love is what I am. So with with that said I stand, Firmly implanted, entrenched in this land. I need not travel because love is what I am. I'm more then a possibility, so stationary I stand. I am shining loves light, Love will find where I am. I used to search for love. Traveling the world twice over. My feet weary. Soul determined, But Such a fruitless expedition. But now I am at peace because I am where I will be, and where I be is stationary, LOVE WILL TRAVEL TO ME. Love board that flight from coast to coast via south-western. Love book a room at the airports best western. Take a cab from the hotel and find my ass. You know my address because you have visited me before. Hopefully this will be your last visit and you don't leave here anymore. Now I search no more, stationary I will be. My love shall not travel because Love will find me. Nesha White, Thanks for the motivation.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 16, 2010
love her/hate her
the reasons that I loved her, are now the reasons that I hate her. She made me need her, crave her, want her, now I find it impossible to get her out of my system. I hate her. the feeling just won't leave, the love still breeds. Now that just breeds contempt because I can not be freed. The food she used to make for me are just painful reminders of we. I hunger for more then just dishes you prepared, but I can not eat. Now the reasons I loved you, Are the reasons I hate you. You made so hard to forget you, Your face permanently burned in the center of my memory. She's my recurring nightmare. Taunting me in my dream state, with visions, forcing me to relive the past, DAMN I HATE YOU! Painful memories I'm holding on to. I want to let them go but their memories of you. So I hold them close because it's all I have. This just makes me hate you even more. The more I hate you, the more it becomes clear that I still love you. I wish I didn't but the emotion is still there. It's still prevalent, Still dominate, Still remains. I still see you, I still feel you. It drives me insane. The reasons I loved you, are now the reasons I hate you. I hate that I still love you. I hate you for leaving me. I hate you for breaking my heart. Damn I hate her because I love her even more.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Eugari woody
I awoke out me sleep 4am this morning. Tossed and turned in bed, restless staring at the ceiling. My Television was on sports center, High lights of the night. I didn't really pay any attention because to me something did not feel right. I turned to my cell phone, Emails and some missed text messages. My thumbs in rapid motion as I replied back. But I could not shake this feeling I was getting from somewhere. It was my little sister that woke me up. 4 in the morning, her water broke. I must have felt it also, I know it was the reason I awoke. I loafed around the house half sleep until my phone ringing startled me. At 6 in the morning who could this be? My mothers voice sounded eerie. She said "i have something to tell you", And what was coming next, trust me, nothing in this world could prepare me. "your sisters water broke, and shes going into labor", "Labor?", "Water broke?". Wait, Is this a joke? no disrespect mom but are you sniffing coke? Water breaking and labor means the coming of a baby. That means she was pregnant, But where was the baby? All the the fighting we were doing, she felt she had to hide it. This situation was crazy I couldn't get my mind inside of it. Rushing to get dressed, I paused to wipe the tears from my eyes, See what you don't know is that my family had died. We all went our separate ways, our lives did divide. On the way to the hospital, I went though a wide range of emotions. I felt guilt like i was the reason this happened. Confused and dazed like "how the hell did this happen?". Then mad as hell like "how the fu*k did this happen?". It felt like a dream but it was real. To tell the truth, I didn't know how I was to feel. I'm in the lobby now, not knowing what to expect. I approached the security guard standing at the front desk. "I'm here to see my sister, she just had a baby" He replied "visiting hours start at 9am" I said "NI**A ARE U CRAZY?" I bald up my fists and said "do I look like a visitor?" I was about to have his fake badge covered in blood. The other guard saw I was gonna flip, assessed the situation and let me in, I looked at the stupid guard and said "don't let this sh*t happen again". As I walked down the hall of the 5th floor, trying to find the maternity ward by the signs on the wall. Made it to the front desk, asked to see my sister. My mom's boyfriend called my name, my mom was in the room with her. My mom came out to greet me, It was clear that I was mad. There was really nothing to say as we were all in total shock. My mom told me she was ok, that slowed the beating of my heart. "They are giving her the epidural, so I had to leave the room" "are you coming in with me" I really didn't think I should. she said ok, but if you change your mind, we are in room 8. I struggled with it, then decided that I will be there if it's not to late. As I walked to the door, I paused because I was unsure. Did I really want to see the pain my baby sister would have to endure? I realized she needed me, now more then ever before. So I placed my hand on the knob, to open the door. I cracked the door and saw a baby, held by the doctor, He said "It's a boy!" the nurse told me to wait a few. Back in the waiting area, I calmed a little more, in anticipation of the life that no doubt I will adore. I saw them cart him off so fast to the intensive care unit. Was he sick? was he healthy? God knows I was going through it. Mom came and said he fine, and your sister is just resting. I walked in the room where she gave birth, I could feel gods blessing. I talked to her for the first time in a long time in fact. I could see she was unsure of how I would react. I held her hand, kissed her forehead, and told her that I love her. "no matter what happens in life, remember I'm you brother" She smiled at me like she used to. That I needed to see. Just to see her smile, meant the world to me. I asked her "whats his name?" he didn't have one yet. I looked at her, smiled, and said "I have something you might like" I recited it with such respect. EUGARI! It's the name I was going to give my son. I want you to have it because Kids? I might not have none. we just talked as she fell asleep from the strenuous task. I left the room to see EUGARI, with my kool ass. They let us in the icu where he was wide awake. He was so beautiful laying there, Another breath I couldn't take. Eugari woody was born. Say hello to the world. Say hello to uncle gene. This young man is now my world. You didn't ask to be here, but I glad that you are. I will do everything in my power so that you can reach the stars. The stakes just got higher, that your birth helped me see. I WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD....so that you can live free. Eugari woody, I'm so proud, gari I love you to death. I will be a man you can rely and look up to. I hope you walk in my foot steps. I love you nephew. your uncle Eugene.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 9, 2010
The vengeance
this is the prequel to ~I will never~ I wasn't going to post it but...well...IT'S HOT lol.
My temperature is hot to the point my bloods boiling. The hatred I feel for you stays, It chills, loitering. Never leaving me because Of how deep I was cut. Just now I realized How deep the knife was stuck. So malicious, you were vicious and broke part of the knife off. Now the scars can't heal, Which leaves me filled with the vengeance. I've got a blood lust........FOR YOU! When love turns to hate. I want you to live as long as god will allow. I want you to live so you can see me smile. I want you to live but I want you to die inside. I want you to watch as I live amongst the stars. While you accept the fact that that you will never go far. Your life's not even sub-par, you are trapped behind bars. A victim of stupid mistakes that have stricken you thus far. Well now my blood boils and the hatred for you stays. I want you to live but die inside, my success is how you will pay......The Vengeance....I've got a blood lust....FOR YOU. I wonder how much you will be able to take, when you awake to see my face all over the united states. From me there will be no escape and I will help you to see, THERE WILL NEVER BE ANYONE BETTER THEN ME. Such a bold statement, but you know it's true, In life you will live. Inside you will die. The Vengeance. I got a blood lust....For you. I LOVE YOU! But I hate you even more. God help you, for what I have in store. I am going to hunt your fucking dreams more then ever before. VENGEANCE.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 7, 2010
I will never
I....WILL NEVER.....SEE YOUR...FACE AGAIN. I won't do it. never again, My eyes won't feast upon your flesh. I detest the site of you. My eyes used to pierce your skin, just like a rifle would do.There was a time in life where my eye's could see nothing in life but you. Now thankfully my eye's will never again see the disgusting site of you. After the aftermath of me and you, I kept a picture near, using it to fuel my fire burning to take revenge on you. Success is what I wanted you to see me walking briskly into. But now I need no motivation driven by the site of you. I need nothing thats a reminder of you. I no longer need you to see me win. I self motivate to rule the world, the site of you no longer moves my pen. The anger has since subsided, so your visual stirs no emotion in me. The past is just that, the past. I'm past this, Finally I've been set free. The site of you brought motivation, which brought out the dysfunction in me. I had to look in the mirror and realize how petty and childish this grown man could be. I'm working on a better me, One that won't seek to feast on negativity. One that won't motivate himself to rule the world, because he hates his ex-girlfriends imagery. It's 2010, you were 2009. Of you I will never ever ever write another line. I realized I don't need you to see me winning. Because of that, I was losing the whole time. I realized I'm successful not because revenge was dominate in my mind. I realized I'm successful because I AM FOCUSED AND ON MY GRIND!!!!
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 2:22 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Fresh by Christine Smitz
Your shadow over me looms heavy. Its overbearing
My hand shakes; it aint steady. Im not caring
about what you think or how you feel -
my grip is armed with steel; it's pet name is bic and I'm aimed to kill
Your hustlin your gums and I'm mentally running...across these lines
Smart like einstein, fierce like a feline, trust my fire isnt't benign
I heard through the grapevine your nothin but a typical canine who's only aimin for my waistline
so in between my words and my jawline you get trapped. Your lustful offers imma decline
Me before may have quiched your thirst
Let you run game, pretend I never got hurt
Said all the right things and burierd the real C in a hearst
Dimmed my light so that your supposed fight went heard
Didn't they tell you? I want more now than your weak dollar signs
and those tired lines - independent woman with her own I can't be outshined
Your bling and obnoxious sheen don't make you beam in my eyes
Instead I'm squinting, turning my view to other allies
Do me a favor -don't do me no favors
Hold down your own, do your thing, I'll get at you later
Bring more to my plate than stank leftovers you remainder
Im deep in success...let me live and let me savor"
Posted by eugene woody Christine at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 3, 2010
eugene woody and his glorious oratory "the unhealhty obsession with me"
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 6:05 PM 0 comments
eugene woody and his glorious oratory "they not gonna like you"
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 6:02 PM 0 comments
eugene woody and his glorious oratory "no care to spare"
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 1:30 AM 0 comments
script tattoo lounge presents unscripted vol 1.....what a show.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 12:45 AM 0 comments