Wednesday, November 25, 2009

scraches on my back

the moment is getting deeper, deeper, deeper. I feel you closer then my skin, now that I have you here. I got you pinned underneath me, i'm on top, top. I'm pearing in your eye's, your hearts beating like its about to pop. you want to talk, but for some reason I won't let you. I bite your bottom lip and whisper softly "shut up". I'm dominating the situation, situation, situation. I've been patently waiting to hear you scream my name. Your legs are wrapped around my waist to the small of my back. The deeper I go the more you react. Our bodies catch the same rhythm, if I speed up then so do you. The more you moan the tighter that i'm holding you. And you hold me tighter too, you start to shutter in fact. Your virtue gets tighter, I can feel you climax. But just before you do your nails dig in. and after that, you reach your moment of bliss, and leave scraches on my back. Deep and painful wounds from this event. Afterwards i'm immense pain because your joy was intense. I wouldnt have it any other way, without them I'm through because I find my pleasure in pleasing you. I watch you sleep in that bed with a smile on your face. My arrogance is running over, all i do is smerk. I hop in the shower and reflect upon things. I turn around, the water hit's my back, I grimace in pain............OUCH.