I am the legend. The past, the present, the future. The king you will bow to, as you march in a stupor. I sit atop the thrown alone. The single minded ruler. There is no woman worth to quench my thirst, although I have millions of suiters. Woman fall upon my feet, because I AM the ruler of rulers. This king is single minded, I see no queen within my future. God hasn't created a woman that my legend won't make look like a loser. The gods are jealous of me, so they send to me Medusa's, cloaked with beautiful faces, hair of snakes hissing, so ruthless. I sever the head's of such beasts, and feed them to cerberus. My legendary three headed dog, i'm merciless. It's clear I adhere to no law upon this land. I sink my fingers into the soil, and your castle will not stand. Your majestic kingdom crumbles with the contraction of my hand. A fist made out of iron, I can crush the bone of man. But they are still gentle enough to catch a single grain of sand. I stand as tall as mountains, casing shadows over land. I am the legendary, In my shadow you shall stand. There you will always be, no sun light for you to see. I will never fall by the hands of lames, and that you are to me. My crown cocked to the side. My pen is the futures link. I'll write you out of existence with my legendary ink. I've slaughtered millions of armies, with the lines that I do write. With this pen I do find that I hold the greatest might. No muscle can compare to the lines that I do write. When I address the masses, Royal dialog I do recite. My oratory awesomely brings the blind site. I am the legend. The past. The present. The future. The king you will bow to as you march within a stupor. I sit atop the thrown alone. The single minded ruler. No room for love. Love is a cancer that I seek to keep in remission. And It will never keep me from the LEGENDARY.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
2 luv birds
two love birds, who fly with wings divine. soar the skys with a love that transended time. She love's me, and I love her. Nothing in this world can ever compare to what we were. We were in love, soaring the sky, Our wings streached apart, gliding high in the sky. She cliped my wing, and I couldnt fly. I struggled to fly, falling fast out of the sky. I landed so hard, But I didn't die. The love birds were grounded, love wouldn't let them fly. She tried to mend my wing, but couldn't see the pain in my eye's. She tried to cheer up my cries, but couldn't answer my why's. My wing never really healed, again the love birds would fly. I struggled in the air and pulled her out of the sky. Now the 2 love bird, with wings divine, wounded each other, so in the sky they could not fly. She walked away, and so did I. We have been grounded ever since, this always makes me cry. I love her. so I couldn't try to keep us together until I fully healed my wings divine. So I let her fly, with someone else. I had to heal this broken wing and save myself. It hurt me so, But I love too much to ever hurt her again. I prayed to god that one day we would take flight again. Two love birds, With wings divine. She would always return to me from time to time. I am always on her mind. We find our way back to each other, that is gods sign. You have returned again. Hopefully for the last time. I won't let you leave me again. please, not this time. my wing is fully healed, and yours healed like mine. please fly with me again. this time is the last time. let's reclaim the sky, soar high with our wings divine. We always find our way back to each other. Let's make this time, the last time.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
script tattoo lounge presents "unscripted vol.1"
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 4:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
stressed out (so write about that dummy)
I could write about love, I could write about sex, I could write about emotional attachment or success. I could write about anything and you would all be impressed, But I can't write anything because right now i'm stressed. Man things are hard pressed because i'm moving like a boss. In the mist of all of these power moves my pen has become lost. instead of writing poetry, i'm writing proposals and signing checks, on my road to becoming the man the world will come to respect. My pen I will never neglect, but writing you gonna have to wait. I'm taking us to the next level, this is the chance I have to take. Understand i'm strong enough to withstand it all, so I won't buckle under the weight. So i'm sorry but writing you gonna have to wait. I'm making power moves, moving like a boss, which is great. I'm building my empire in this state. But i'm getting a little stressed, i'm like "time out " "wait" I need to take a breather, I need a short break. My hairs growing into a short fro, I'm in need of a caezar. But thats the price you pay when it's ceazar that you play, and you realize that your life is not for play, you must stay, while other get to play, you must fight with all your might and work hard from top of the day until bottom of the night. you must scrifice your life. No girlfriend, No wife, not even a jump-off. Forget about a social life. I'm pushing myself to limits normal people can't handle. Wouldn't even think to, Couldn't stand to. try to function off of 2 hours of sleep for a week, see if you can see strait, see if your legs won't be weak. coffee, coffee, coffee. Caffein i've been drinking in my sleep. Whats the point of drinking it now, the coffee grounds I should eat. This is stress at it's apex. Man I feel like i'm gonna die. How much more can I take? How much longer can I go with out sleep? I don't know and I don't care because I'm close to what I want. I'm close to what I want. I"M CLOSE TO WHAT I WANT. Even though I feel like i'm dying, I never been this happy. I'm close to what I want. But right now i'm stressed. I can't wait to go on vacation. lord knows I need one.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
goddess of the word.
I'm writing directly to you. Holder of the same dream as I. Goddess of the word. I'm writing directly to you. Key to the emotions I hide, unlock my soul. I write with the words only you understand. Other will read this and think is is to them. But you are the holder of the same dream as I. The key to the emotions I wish I didn't have to hide. Goddess of the word. I offer you my pen, please write our story if in your life you want me in. place me in your story with the ink from my soul. write us into existence with your words so bold. My pen is all I have, But I give it to you. We share the same dream so what is it you want to do? we can live out our dreams together, and write about it. Our stories are so beautiful, worlds pause, stop to read about us and are captivated by it. My paragraph complements yours. When you write a verse, What I write will be the continuation of yours. Goddess of the word. Two scribes that will inscribe their lives in the sky. The world will subscribe to the story of you and I. Key to the emotions I hide. Goddess of the word. Holder of the same dream as I. I give you my pen. Let's collaborate and write the the greatest story ever. YOU and I.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The eyes do not see.
The eyes do not see what the mind does not acknowlegde. I acknowlegde That you want attention. I won't give it to you. I am too enthralled in intellect to acknowlegde th plight of fools. Since I have already won, I will let The losers lose. I do not see your desperate crys for attention from me, I'm too busy to see what you want me to see. Now you try to place things in plan site, But my site is tunneled, Eyes forward with the vision. My vision obstructed, And it stays that way, go play that way. These eyes do not see what my mind will not acknowledge. I giggle at your feeble misguided attempts to rise my eyebrow, or even Warrant a smile. As you bang on pots and pans and scream out loud, what a child. I'm too grown to be thrown from solitudes majestic thrown. Why would a king pay attention to the stupidity of a clown? So these eyes despise any desperate dummy who tries to hold signs on the side of the freeway while i'm speeding by. my eyes do not see what my mind won't acknowledge. I won't acknowledge yours or anyones stupidity. I'm tunnel with the vision I was given, exclusivity.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 2:19 AM 0 comments
So now you think you've done something? You think you have accomplished much. Now you walk around with your chest poked out. Now you relax like you've made it. Look at you, your content. Wipe that look of satifaction off your face. Your swimming in a pond, when you should be jet skiing in the ocean. Your just a guest on this yacht, when you should want to be the owner. Content? NO my friend, we don't do content. We don't do complacent which is adjacent to mediocrity. No not us, More is what we strive for. We squeeze blood out of rocks because we can. We can do more because we have been given more. So it would be a sin if complacency was the mentality we would befriend. This is the day that the real work begins. This is the day that you find out if you want it. DO YOU WANT IT? IF so then content is something you should never be. Diligence is the approach that you should take. Realize it's not what you have done, but rather what your doing. Greatness precedes the past, All the the victories that you have accomplished must be dworthed by the size of the task's at hand. Content is not a word that has built a great man. Our pursuit for more shall be relentless. Restless he is. Content he is not, so I will sleep when i'm dead. normalcy scares me, so i'm active in bed. I toss and turn because I dream of what must be done, What more can I do. Not what I did, But rather What haven't I done. If you are content within your life, Then I am happy for you. I expect more from myself, so there is much I must do. I am not content.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 2:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
the unhealthy obsession with me
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 3:58 AM 0 comments
winning streak
I've been on a winning streak, after taking a lose. Now I can't lose, Man I floss like a boss. Grabbed victory out of defeat, I up'ed and shook it off. Told myself i'm gonna win the championship at any cost. Guess I took that game too lightly, I didn't think I'd see a lose. Funny thing is I was scoring crazy, I was balling with the force. stutter step, hitting three's, defend me you getting sauced. I was on my A game until she came and I got crossed. She had a little more game, had me looking like a lame, Had me sitting on the bench with a towel over my head in shame. She dropped 50 on my ass, I didn't even score a point. She was fowling me crazy, and the referee didn't see my point. She threw a elbow to my chest, she didn't even get a tech. I got beat in front of everyone, damn I lost my respect. But like a true baller, I just took it back to the basic's. My coach and my teammates didn't even have to say shit. Everyday in the gym, jumper after jumper. If you think i'm about to shoot, then i'm pump faking on ya. spin move, to the rim, please don't jump when i'm in the air. I'm gonna put you in a poster, let you know that life's not fair. My first game back, I made sure I was prepared. The defender looked my in the eye's, I could see that he was scared. I made sure to let the world know I'm about to take it there. They passed me the ball and I dribbled it with no fear. Hit him with the in and out move and crossed his ankle in the air.They're talking about me on sports center like "look i'm just saying, after that lose he took, this kid is not playing". So yes I took a lose. But it only made me hungry. It only made me want it more. Now nobody and hold me. I wish a nigga would, because I'm just that good. Sure I might lose again, But that lose will keep me focused. I don't want to win too much, too much victory will make you hopeless. Because even when I lose, I do not lose the lesson. The lose that I took, believe me it was a blessing. Because of it i'm on a winning streak, winning from a lose, so hold this. I took a L but thats alright, because of it i'm focused......CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Hold them back
Hold them back. Be stronger then you've ever been before. please don't let them win, your better then this. fight harder then you've ever had to fight in you life. fight though all the pain. fight through all the strife. hold them back with everything you have. hold them back with all your might. Don't give them the satifaction of thinking that they've won.They want to see you defeated, but the battles just begun. The dam is starting to crack, I feel I can no longer hold this. I want to let this river flow, I can no longer control this. the pain has staggered me, it's too intense for me to focus. This heart has been devoured like a field of starving locust. I don't deserve this hurt, i won't allow myself to go through this. I'm fighting harder now, but I see resistance is useless. I'm starting to circum, it's evident my struggles foolish. Their streaming down my face, leaving a trail thats rather goulish. I tried to be strong, but I can't. Once again I must go through this, I'm crying.......Damn.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
HMIC (head mommy's in charge)
I'm in awe of ya'll. I love the vision in my head you guys have been creating. To find such a solid foundation, I am patiently waiting. I write this after our conversation, the things that we were debating. Respect to the HMIC (Head Mommy's In Charge), who rise the young to do great things. She risked her life and sacrificed her body, to bring a precious addition to we. First there was you, then she came along, now baby makes three. If she provided you with more then one, thats more of the lords blessing you see. Respect the HMIC, she A blessing to thee. Nine months she carried a seed, and in some cases even more. Realize all of the pain that she has to endure. Life is not promised, she could of died delivering such a gift. At 3am, when she sent you to the store for a peanut butter and pickle sandwich, did you moan and bitch? When her ankles got swollen, did you rub them? Everyday of your life your life you should tell the HMIC that you love um, place nothing above them, spoil, kiss and hug them. If your not on good terms with them, thats no reason to mean mug them. You guys are joined at the hip for the rest of your life. She still the mother of your children, even if she's not your wife. She made a sacrifice for you, don't neglect her, if you pay child support, throw her a little extra. Rising a child will always be a full time job. All of the diapers changed, all of the baby slob. All the bottles that she heated up at 4 in the morning. The countless hours nursing, while she's dead tired and yarning. I'm not saying us guys do anything, it's that she just does more.You had fun creating your baby, now have fun raising it. Respect the HMIC's that hold it down on the home front. the ones that make sure your babies go to school with a full lunch. the ones that find joy in spending time with your little Diago or Dora the explorer. She helping to cultivate the minds of your son or your daughter. She loves nothing more then to brag about the love she has for her beautiful children. Respect to the HMIC's (Head mommy's in charge) and the foundations they are building.
I would like to thank Karen Colon And Yvette castonon for the motivation. Two great HMIC's who have some lucky children.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I seem to function around dysfunction . I've been exposed to it all my life and now I've arrived at this junction, point period in time.The things I've seen as a child, I block out of my mind. The things that hunt me today, I pay them no mind. I've done all I could to change things, but this dysfunction is not mine.It would make no sense to sacrifice my life and valuable time. I grew up in dysfunction, But I fought for a life of normalcy. In my mind I fought battles like the soldiers that stormed the beach of Normandy. The things I saw I preyed to god that they were lies and weren't true. I was never told those things were wrong, But some how I knew those were things I shouldn't do. As a child, people judged me on their actions. I guess they thought I was just like you. And truthfully if I was them, I would think so too. It wasn't just his dysfunction, All of you played a part too. I know the truth, Thats why to this day I don't want to talk to you. I had issues that reached deep from the dysfunction I was exposed to, But I fought for a life of normalcy, because thats what I chose to do. I could sit here and blame my failures on the people that created me, Because I wasn't given a chance to win, but this is what made me. I'm not a victim of the dysfunction that I functioned around. I'm not a victim of the dysfunction that hunts me now. It depressed me to the point that I started to break. I wondered if I would crack, how much more could I take? then I realized i'm no savior and I can not change a thing. If this is how they want to live, then I will let them do their thing. If this situation is acceptable to them, then it's acceptable to I. Theres not point to try, there's no reason to cry. I function around dysfunction because I have no choice but to. I am as great as I can be, despite the horror I was exposed to. I hope within your life, you won't let dysfunction erode you. Be strong.
Posted by eugene woody Anonymous at 4:08 AM 0 comments